

pcp_watchdog_info --  displays the watchdog status of the Pgpool-II


pcp_watchdog_info [options...] [watchdog_id]


pcp_watchdog_info displays the information on the given node ID.


-n watchdog_id

The index of other Pgpool-II to get information for.

Index 0 gets one's self watchdog information.

If omitted then gets information of all watchdog nodes.

Other options

See pcp_common_options.


Here is an example output:

    $ pcp_watchdog_info -h localhost -U postgres

    3 3 NO Linux_host1.localdomain_9991 host1

    Linux_host1.localdomain_9991 host1 9991 9001 7 STANDBY 0 MEMBER
    Linux_host2.localdomain_9992 host2 9992 9002 4 LEADER 0 MEMBER
    Linux_host3.localdomain_9993 host3 9993 9003 7 STANDBY 0 MEMBER

The result is in the following order:

    The first output line describes the watchdog cluster information:

    1. Total watchdog nodes in the cluster
    2. Total watchdog nodes in the cluster with active membership
    3. Is VIP is up on current node?
    4. Leader node name
    5. Leader node host

    Next is the list of watchdog nodes:

    1. node name
    2. hostname
    3. pgpool port
    4. watchdog port
    5. current node state
    6. current node state name
    7. current cluster membership status
    8. current cluster membership status name

The --verbose option can help understand the output. For example:

   $ pcp_watchdog_info -h localhost -v -U postgres

   Watchdog Cluster Information
   Total Nodes              : 3
   Remote Nodes             : 2
   Member Remote Nodes      : 2
   Nodes required for quorum: 2
   Quorum state             : QUORUM EXIST
   Alive Remote Nodes       : 2
   VIP up on local node     : NO
   Leader Node Name         : Linux_host2.localdomain_9992
   Leader Host Name         : localhost

   Watchdog Node Information
   Node Name         : Linux_host1.localdomain_9991
   Host Name         : host1
   Delegate IP       :
   Pgpool port       : 9991
   Watchdog port     : 9001
   Node priority     : 1
   Status            : 7
   Status Name       : STANDBY
   Membership Status : MEMBER

   Node Name         : Linux_host2.localdomain_9992
   Host Name         : host2
   Delegate IP       :
   Pgpool port       : 9992
   Watchdog port     : 9002
   Node priority     : 1
   Status            : 4
   Status Name       : LEADER
   Membership Status : MEMBER

   Node Name         : Linux_host3.localdomain_9993
   Host Name         : host3
   Delegate IP       :
   Pgpool port       : 9993
   Watchdog port     : 9003
   Node priority     : 1
   Status            : 7
   Status Name       : STANDBY
   Membership Status : MEMBER